Gambang, 26 April 2017 - In another effort to cultivate the occupational safety and health (OSH) culture, Occupational Safety and Health Management Office (OSHMO) of Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) organized the UMP Occupational Safety & Health Week 2017 (UMP OSH WEEK 2017) from 25 April 2017 until 28 April 2017. The theme ‘Together in Building a Culture of Prevention in OSH through Positive Intervention’ was chosen to enhance awareness on the key role that each and everyone should play in cultivating the culture of prevention of accidents through positive intervention with tact and courtesy.
According to the Director of OSHMO UMP Mr Muhammad Hairynizam Muhd Taib, the main objective of UMP OSH Week 2017 was to promote and make OSH an important agenda at UMP in creating UMP community members who would be sensitive to aspects of occupational safety and health at the workplace, home, on the road and elsewhere. He also hoped that organizing an event such as the UMP OSH Week 2017 would stimulate and cultivate the OSH culture at UMP continuously so that it could provide the support for UMP to achieve excellence in in various fields in becoming a distinguished technological university as mentioned in the UMP Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020.
Various programs and activities had been planned for the UMP OSH Week 2017 which began on 25th and ended on the 28th of April 2017. Among them were OSH Night Movie which showcased the Deep Water Horizon tragedy, OSH motivational talk by the‘OSH Guru’ Mr Fakhrul Anwar Bin Ahmad Affandi, OSH exhibition by Malaysian statutory agencies, blood donation campaign, a forum on ‘Safety vs. Security’ featuring Mr Kamal Affendi, a well-known Malaysian crime analysst and Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Fadzil Bin Mohd Idris as guest panellists, OSH interactive games with edutainment elements as well as Friday Sermon covering OSH current issues. The UMP OSH Week 2017 was officiated by YH Professor Dato' Dr. Yuserrie Bin Zainuddin, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs & Alumi.
OSHMO also collaborated with various government agencies and companies in setting up exhibition booths during the official launch of the UMP OSH Week 2017. Among them were: DOSH Pahang, DOE Pahang, SOCSO, SWCorp, Fire and Rescue Department, State Health Department, NIOSH, UAE, BSN Prudential dan Permula Chemicals. It is hoped that the UMP OSH Week 2017 would was successful in cultivating a safe working culture among members of the UMP community.