A Word From The DIRECTOR
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Greetings!
First and foremost, I would like to welcome all visitors to the official Portal of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Unit (OSHMO), Universiti Malaysia Pahang. It is my hope that this portal would be able to obtain the latest information related to occupational safety and health and assist visitors in dealing with OSHMO.
One of the strategies to introduce and promote OSHMO is through its portal. As one of the responsibility centres or pusat tanggungjawab (PTJs) at Universiti Malaysia Pahang, the official OSHMO portal provides various sources of information regarding the organization, activities, services, committee members of OSH, products and materials published by this PTJ. Other types of information include the hazard corner, photo and multimedia gallery, as well as latest news of OSHMO activities.
The information provided in this portal is regularly updated and designed in an interactive manner so that it can benefit the visitors surfing this portal. To enhance the services offered, we welcome and appreciate views and opinions as well as feedback to improve the quality of our services for the benefit of staff, students and the University.
"Work Safe, Be Safe, Stay Safe”
Ts. Muhammad Hairynizam Muhd Taib